“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”

— Colossians 3:16

Ways to be involved in Worship Ministry at FBCD

  • Sanctuary Worship Choir

    The Sanctuary Worship Choir is open to anyone 9th grade and up! This group sings every Sunday Morning in our Sunday Morning services and periodically throughout the year for special events. Choir rehearsal is every Wednesday Night @ 6:00 in the choir room. If you are passionate about worshipping Jesus, the adult choir is a great place for your to plug in and serve! If you would like more information about joining, click the link below!

    (No Audition Required)

  • FBCD Band & Orchestra

    At FBCD we have a very talented group of musicians who lead us in worship each week! The band & orchestra is made up of individuals 11th grade and up who are proficient players able to play to the skill level required to accompany the body in our times of corporate worship. If you are interested in being a part of this group please click the link below to email Pastor John.

    (Audition May Be Required).

    The Band Orchestra meets once a month on a Sunday Evening to prepare new music for upcoming services and events as well as each Sunday Morning @ 8:15.

  • Children's Choir

    At FBCD, we believe that praise and worship should be multigenerational. Our children’s choir is made up of Kindergarten through 5th Graders who help facilitate worship in Sunday Morning Worship Services, Worship Nights throughout the year, and special events. Children’s Choir meets every Wednesday Night from 5:00-5:30 in the choir room.

  • Bells of Praise (FBCD Handbell Choir)

    The Bells of Praise is a group made of up church and community members alike. They rehearse on Wednesday Night’s in the Handbell Room located in the Worship Suite. The Bells of Praise are under the leadership and direction of Ruth Blair and play for Special Events, Special Sunday Services, and perform a Spring Concert every year. If you are interested in being a part of this group, click the more info link below and we will be in touch!

  • A/V Ministry

    When you come to a Worship Service at FBCD you come with the expectation of seeing and hearing so that you then may participate in the Worship. The A/V Ministry is an exciting place to get involved. So many of our services require the service of a team of behind the scenes folks who are the backbone of the Worship Ministry. Live Sound, Live Projection, Lighting, Camera Operators and TV/Online Video team members are the people who make it all happen. If you have a desire to serve in the A/V ministry, please click the link below and get involved today!

FBCD Music Ministry Calendar